How to troubleshoot Norton Error Code 3048 3?

While updating the Norton Antivirus, you may receive an error 3048 3, and this is encountered when the installation file is corrupted or some corruption is found in registry of Norton. If Norton auto fix is not working on your PC and you need support that how to troubleshoot Norton error Code 3048 3you can read the steps listed below and to fix Norton antivirus error you can also execute step by step all the methods to solve various issue in Norton Antivirus.

Causes of Error Norton 3048 3

  • Corruption in window catalog entries while installing or uninstalling software.
  • Malware or Virus attacks corrupt the infected windows files or Norton Antivirus linked files or documents.
  • Program mistakenly deleted are connected with the Norton Antivirus files.
Steps to Fix Norton Error Message 3048 3
Method 1: Run Norton Live Update
Step1: Sign in to the Norton account and press on the option of “Next” to open the security of device.
Step2: Now in opened tab double click on the “security” option and click on the option of “live update”.
Step3: After updating press “OK” and repeat step 2 until you receive THAT no update found.
Step4: Restart the device.
Method 2: Remove Norton Using NRN Tool
Step1: Open the section of “Downloads” in Norton website and download “Norton removal” tool.
Step2: Double click on the downloaded NRN and press on the “agree” button to accept all the license agreement.
Step3: Now click on the remove and reinstall button and Choose “remove” button to uninstall the Norton product.
Step4: Press on the remove or continue button and after uninstalling delete the left over and registry files.
Step5: Now restart the device.
Method 3: Reinstall Updated Norton
Step1: Open the Norton official website and navigate to download section.
Step2: Download the latest version of Norton and double click on the “run” option to run the downloaded file.
Step3: Follow on screen commands and complete the whole installation.
Step4: Now run live update and use the steps mentioned in Method1.

Contact our Customer Support to Fix Norton Error Code 3048 3

Optimistically, by using all of these above steps you have resolved your Norton Error Code 3048 3 error from your device. But still, if you are facing any other issue with your Norton product then take the assistance from Norton customer support. They will immediately suggest you tech support. You can connect with us by calling on our Norton toll-free number and also via Norton live chat. So now, you feel free to connect with us, as per your suitability.
Robert Williams is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cybersecurity, malware, social engineering, Games,internet and new media. He writes for Norton products at


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