Steps To Fix McAfee Antivirus Error Code 12152

The McAfee Antivirus error code 12152 messages will be seen through the installation of the program, whereas a McAfee, Inc.-related device code program is running, throughout Windows start up or shut down, or maybe throughout the installation of the Windows software package. Keeping track of once and wherever your McAfee Error 12152 happens may be an important piece of information in troubleshooting the matter.
Causes of McAfee Error Code 12152 Windows 10 Operating System
  • Incomplete installation or Corrupt Download of McAfee Antivirus software system.
  • Windows Corruption account from a McAfee Antivirus-related software system modification.
  • Malware or Virus infection has corrupted the McAfee Antivirus-related program files or Windows system files.
  • Another program mistakenly or maliciously deleted McAfee Antivirus-related files.
How to Resolve McAfee Error 12152 Windows 10
Repair registry Entries related to Error 12152
To manually repair your Windows registry, you would like to form a backup by transferring some of the registry associated with Error 12152.
Conduct a Full Virus or Malware Scan on your PC
There is a prospect that your 12152 error might be associated with a virus or malware scan on your device. These malicious intruders will corrupt, harm, or perhaps delete the Runtime Errors-related files. Moreover, there is a risk that the 12152 error you’re facing is said to an element of the virus itself.
Clean out All Your Temporary Folders and Files with Disk Clean-up (cleanmgr)
Over time, your device collects junk files from your computer system and web surfing. If this junk or the temporary file is not completely cleaned out, it will cause McAfee Antivirus software program to offer a McAfee 12152 error code, possibly because of the conflicts of the respective file or an overloaded hard disk drive. Clean-up all these temporary files with Disk Clean-up and would not solely resolve your error code 12152, though, may dramatically speed up the complete performance of your respective device.
Update your Drivers of computer Device
Drivers will work someday and suddenly completely shut down in a succeeding day, for a various range of reasons. The good news is that you will often update the device driver to repair the problem of Error 12152.
Use Windows System Restore to “Undo” Recent Changes of the Computer System
Windows System Restore actually permits you to “go back in time” together with your computer to fix your Error code 12152. System Restore will return your system files of the PC and programs back to a time once everything was operating completely fine. This may probably assist you to avoid hours of headaches of troubleshooting related to 12152 errors.
  • Uninstall and install the McAfee Antivirus Software Program related to Error code 12152
  • Now you have to run the File Checker of Windows Operating System (sfc /scan now)
System File Checker could completely be a handy tool enclosed with a Windows operating system that enables you to scan for and restore corruptions in Windows system files (including those connected with Error code 12152).
Install all accessible Update of Windows
Microsoft Corporation is continually improving and changing Windows operating system files that would be related to Error code 12152. Generally resolving your issues of Runtime Errors could also be as simple as updating Windows operating system with the most recent Service Pack or alternative patch that Microsoft Corporation releases on a recent basis.
Perform a Clean Installation of Windows Operating System
This step is now your final possibility in making an attempt to solve your Error code 12152 problems. Reinstalling Windows operating system can erase everything from your hard disk drive, permitting you to start out once more with a recent computer system. However, a clean install of the Windows operating system also will quickly clean out each and every one junk which has accumulated over the normal usage of your computer system.

Contact with Experts by Dialing the McAfee Customer Support Number  

If you are facing an issue while troubleshooting McAfee Error 12152, feel free to contact McAfee Customer Support at any time anywhere. As our experts are available 24*7 or 3645 days for the help of the customer.
Robert Williams is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cybersecurity, malware, social engineering, Games, internet and new media. He writes for McAfee products at


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